As a signatory of the Climate Leaders Coalition, we’re committed to measuring and publicly reporting on our emissions, setting a public emissions reduction target and working with our suppliers to reduce their emissions.

Since 2007 we have been measuring, reporting and offsetting our emissions to attain carbon neutrality. We are one of three lead agencies in the Carbon Neutral Government Programme. 

We're carbon certified

We are proudly a Toitū net carbon zero organisation, which means we are measuring, managing and reducing our emissions, and offsetting unavoidable emissions, according to ISO 14064-1:2018 and Toitū requirements.

Toitū net carbonzero certification is accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS ANZ) and under ISO 14065.

Our carbon footprint

In 2022/2023, we emitted 188.45 tonnes of CO2-e, which is a 23% reduction from our base year (244.92 tCO2-e) and a 109% increase from 2020/2021 (90.38 tCO2-e).

Despite an increase in emissions in the past year, we are currently on track to meet our 2025 and 2030 targets.

The majority of our emissions come from air travel, followed by electricity for our offices. We measured working from home emissions for the first time this year, which added 4.78 tCO2e to our total emissions inventory.

Where our emissions come from

Bar graph shows EECA's GHG emissions by source, comparing the 2022/23 reporting year with the previous reporting period. .

We have set science-aligned targets to keep global warming to less than 1.5 degrees of warming as required under the Carbon Neutral Government Programme and as a member of the Climate Leaders Coalition.

  • 2025 32% reduction from a 2018/19 baseline to 166.5 tCO2e
  • 2030 55% reduction from a 2018/19 baseline to 110.0 tCO2e

EECA's emissions reduction over time

Graph shows EECA's gross emissions for every reporting year from 2008 to 2023. Target lines show how we are tracking towards our 2025 and 2030 targets. .

How we offset remaining emissions

To achieve verified net carbon zero status through Toitū, we offset all remaining emissions with New Zealand carbon credits selected where available.

In 2022/23 we purchased carbon credits from Spray Point, Marlborough where the Permanent Forest Sink Initiative is returning traditional grazing country to native forest.

Pillars of sustainability: priority areas

Our emissions reduction target for 2023/24 is 183 tCO2e, representing a 2.4% decrease on the previous reporting year. To help us achieve this, we have established three strategic pillars of sustainability to focus our efforts on the areas where we can have the most impact.

  • Sustainable transport

    Travel represents 80.12% of our latest annual emissions. As the largest slice of our carbon footprint, travel, and particularly air travel, represents our greatest opportunity to reduce emissions.

  • Energy efficiency in the office

    Electricity represents 10.19% of our latest annual emissions. Through consistent energy management and the adoption of efficient and smart technologies, we can maintain low-impact office spaces and showcase our leadership in this area of expertise.

  • Sustainable procurement

    Our ability to influence will begin to incorporate our supply chain. By working with our suppliers, we can collectively start to understand the broader set of scope 3 emissions within our footprint. It is the first step in us knowing where to prioritise our efforts.

Office energy performance

Our offices have the National Australian Built Environment Rating System New Zealand (NABERSNZ) ratings that represent excellent energy performance. Our Wellington office has a tenancy rating of 5 stars, and our Auckland office has a tenancy rating of 4.5 stars. 

  • EECA is one of three lead agencies of the Carbon Neutral Government Programme (CNGP). The programme aims to make a number of organisations within the public sector carbon neutral from 2025. 

  • As a signatory we’re committed to measuring and reporting our emissions, adopting science aligned emissions reduction targets, assessing and disclosing climate change risks, and working with suppliers to reduce their emissions. 

EECA Emissions Report

Download our 2022/23 emissions inventory and 2023/24 emissions reduction plan.