2025/26 levy consultation

Submissions opened on 20 December 2024 and close on 21 January 2025. People who wish to make a submission should email EECA at levyconsultation@eeca.govt.nz

About the 2025/26 levy funding proposal 

EECA (the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority) is seeking feedback on our proposed energy levy funding request for the 2025/26 year.  

A portion of our work programme is funded by levies collected by the Government from the engine fuel, electricity and gas sectors. The levy portion is decided by the Minister for Energy, with a cap set at $23.259 million. 

Energy levy funding helps us to deliver our purpose – encouraging, promoting, and supporting energy efficiency, energy conservation, and the use of renewable sources of energy. 

We must consult with levy stakeholders on our proposed levy funding request before submitting it to the Minister for Energy. For the 2025/26 year, we are consulting on a total levy funding request of $23.259 million across three levies:  

  • Petroleum or Engine Fuel Monitoring levy: $14.620 million 
  • Electricity Industry levy: $6.677 million 
  • Gas Safety, Monitoring and Energy Efficiency levy: $1.962 million. 

The consultation document at the top of this page outlines our proposed levy funding spend for 2025/26, including the levy-related programmes we expect to deliver. Note these programmes are subject to Budget 2025 decisions in May 2025.