Applications for new rounds of the Low Emission Transport Fund (LETF) open from April 27.
EECA (the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority) will run two RFP processes for co-funding projects that will accelerate the decarbonising of New Zealand’s transport sector.
Both rounds will open on April 27 with up to $6 million available for co-funding.
- Round 3 is for applications for projects that demonstrate low-emission vehicles, outboard motors), and technology.
- Round 4 is for applications for public EV charging infrastructure projects in specific locations.
Applicants have until May 25 and June 1, respectively, to submit their proposals, and successful projects will be announced later in 2022 by Minister of Energy and Resources, Dr Megan Woods.
EECA CEO, Andrew Caseley, said the LETF has a strong record of delivering projects that will help drive the uptake of more climate-friendly transport options in New Zealand.
"The most recent funding round, and our market scan, shows there's huge interest in this space. Earlier this year we approved funding for the country’s first electric milk tanker; 25 superfast EV chargers, including a large investment by Z Energy to install super-fast EV chargers on some of its forecourts; and a project converting a diesel engine to run on a green hydrogen/diesel hybrid, among others. I’m looking forward to seeing what new innovative projects come in through the application process."
Caseley noted that EECA was taking a different approach to funding EV charging in this latest funding round.
"We've proactively identified the key remaining gaps in the state highway EV charging network and we're calling for applications to fill those with chargers at a limited set of locations.
"This investment focus is part of our evolving EV Journey Public Charging Roadmap, which will further build out the network to help give EV drivers the confidence they need when it comes to charging their vehicles."
About the RFPs
Round 3: vehicles and technologies
- Opens: April 27 2022
- Closes: June 1 2022
This will be an RFP to demonstrate a range of low emission technologies, infrastructure, innovations and business models (e.g. MaaS, transport technology and software projects), low emission on-road and off-road vehicles, and a limited range of marine vessels. In future, demonstration rounds in this stream could be for a specific technology focus
This funding round will be a continuation of the demonstration of vehicles and technology workstream, and will in large part be identical in scope and eligibility. A new feature will be the inclusion of a limited specification of marine electric outboard motors of up to 40-50hp.
Round 4: Public EV charging infrastructure
- Opens: April 27 2022
- Closes: May 25 2022
This will be an open RFP for co-funding for public EV charging infrastructure at a limited set of locations identified as key remaining gaps in the state highway network in Phase One of the EV Journey Public Charging Roadmap work. This investment focus excludes private charging for residential and workplace charging. All chargers must have smart charging capability.
A list and specification for each charging location will be provided in the tender document. Locations will be prioritised, with the first three priority locations required to be fulfilled before EECA will approve any of the following three locations.
A webinar will be held at 12.00pm, May 5, to inform applicants of the process and expectations for applying.
About the LETF
The Low Emission Transport Fund, administered by EECA, supports the demonstration and adoption of low emission transport technology, innovation and infrastructure to accelerate the decarbonisation of the New Zealand transport sector.
The Fund will focus on activities in the transport sector that move people and/or goods on roads, off-road, and in the marine and aviation sectors to:
Demonstrate innovative solutions that will enable future adoption and deployment
Reduce energy related emissions in the transport sector
Address market and organisational barriers through co-investment and diffusion of new knowledge and lessons, and
Share knowledge and lessons to stimulate wider replication of successful projects and solutions in the transport sector.
Wider transport systems and activities (such as building roads, urban design, mode shift policy) are excluded.
Each round of the LETF, will provide co-funding to a particular area of interest (unlike the previous LEVCF, in which each round welcomed the full range of applications). An announcement will be made in advance of each funding round advising which areas of interest will be included.