Find the right solution for your business

Businesses account for over 40% of New Zealand’s energy-related emissions. The good news is, there are plenty of efficient technologies that not only reduce emissions but can also lower energy costs and improve profitability.

EECA supports businesses with navigating energy efficiency and renewable energy sources to help them realise the significant gains to be made from investing in clean and clever solutions.

What's in it for your business?

Taking steps to become more energy efficient and ultimately switching to renewable sources can have many benefits for business.

  • Cost savings – reduce operating costs through energy efficiency and fuel switching.
  • Social license – improve your reputation with socially responsible consumers and investors.
  • Brand value – tap into new markets, spark innovation and create business opportunities.
  • Employee engagement – attract and retain talent.
  • Compliance – stay ahead of regulation for climate change mitigation.

See what others have achieved

‘My advice to other businesses is that they just need to start, it will be much better for the bottom line and it will make a business more sustainable in the future.’

Mike Sutherland, Director/CEO of Sawmill Brewery