How to use these resources
These tools and resources have been curated in collaboration with the New Zealand Green Building Council and the Facilities Management Association of New Zealand (FMANZ), and endorsed by the Property Council New Zealand, to help reduce emissions sector-wide.
A selection of key resources and information relevant to this sector are available below.
Sign up to the pathway
For a fully curated experience, we recommend you sign up to our free Commercial Buildings Decarbonisation Pathway which will deliver tools and resources direct to your inbox. We’ll also alert you when new resources and events are added.
Commercial Buildings Decarbonisation Pathway
The Commercial Buildings Decarbonisation Pathway takes an energy efficiency first approach. While the end goal is to move away from fossil fuels, taking steps to improve existing processes, equipment and operations will make the transition more efficient and cost effective.
The pathway has been broken up into 5 steps, which provide key information for New Zealand Commercial Building owners and managers, no matter how far along the decarbonisation journey you are.

Step 1: Increase engagement and awareness
Understanding the emissions impact of commercial buildings is a key step towards beginning your decarbonisation journey. Having awareness of which processes are carbon intensive can help identify your opportunities. Whilst engaging your staff and including them on the journey is proven to increase results.
Step 2: Measure emissions and set targets
Knowing what to measure and how to measure it is an important step in decarbonising. In this section, find resources and tools to measure and account for energy consumption and see how you can set energy targets for your building moving forward.
Step 3: Optimise equipment and improve processes
Reviewing and adjusting the way equipment performs can be a big win for energy reduction, as well as cost and productivity. Additionally, to improve processes, opportunities should be provided for staff to upskill, alongside workforce planning and development.
Step 4: Reduce energy demand
New technology or upgrades to existing processes can reduce energy demand. It is important to reduce the demand for energy prior to switching fuels, so that the energy demand for renewables is as minimal as possible.
This step looks at equipping businesses with the latest international innovations in their space to reduce the demand on energy.
Step 5: Switching to renewable energy
Fuel switching is the final step to decarbonising. By following steps 1-4, you'll be in the best position to make an informed decision about fuel switching, in the most cost-effective way.