
Our 5-step pathway provides tailored tools and resources to the manufacturing sector to help lower their emissions and unlock business benefits.


Any manufacturing business in New Zealand can access this pathway for free.

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Your decarbonisation journey starts here

There are two ways to access the decarbonisation pathway.

Sign up for a series of curated emails below. We highly recommend this method as you will:

  • Be alerted as soon as new resources are added
  • Receive invitations to events and webinars
  • Be the first to know about new co-funding opportunities

Or you can jump straight into things by visiting our tools and resources page.

Tools and resources

The climate impact of the manufacturing sector

Manufacturing is a significant part of the New Zealand economy, contributing about 11% to GDP.

Use of fossil fuels

The manufacturing sector generates process heat mainly through boilers, or in ovens, furnaces and kilns. More than half of New Zealand's process heat is currently produced with fossil fuels, mainly gas and coal.

In 2021 alone, industry used almost 70,400 TJ of fossil fuels for creating heat – the equivalent to 11.5 million barrels of oil and around 13% of New Zealand’s total energy use.

The sector employs people in:

  • Food and beverage
  • Machinery and equipment
  • Metal products
  • Wood and paper products
  • Printing, publishing and recorded media
  • Petroleum, chemical, polymer and rubber products
  • Textiles, leather, clothing and footwear

This pathway focuses on reducing energy-related carbon emissions from manufacturing, which ultimately means reducing the use of fossil fuels across the manufacturing processes.

National environmental standards

If your site emits 500 tonnes or more of CO2-e per year from fossil fuel-fired heat devices used to generate industrial process heat, you might be affected by recent government regulations. To learn whether you are affected, and if you’ll need to develop an emissions plan check out the webinar below. You can also sign up to this pathway for updates on further developments.

Emissions Plan Guidance


Greening the furnace: Decarbonising industrial heat in a changing legislative environment

Watch experts from EECA, BECA and the EMA discussing new legislation for manufacturers, including what it all means and how it could impact your manufacturing business.


Want to receive tailored tools and resources straight to your inbox? Sign up to the Manufacturing Decarbonisation Pathway now.

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The sooner the switch, the greater the reward

The earlier businesses make changes, the faster potential cost-savings can be unlocked. By switching to low-emissions solutions soon, you can protect your business from potential fossil fuel supply and cost uncertainty. In addition, acting quickly will ensure your business is ahead of the pack when it comes to proven and increasingly popular technologies.

The business good of decarbonisation

Energy efficiency and reducing your reliance on fossil fuels can have many benefits for business, beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Cost savings – reduce operating costs through energy efficiency and fuel switching.

Social license – improve your reputation with socially responsible consumers and investors.

Brand value – tap into new markets, spark innovation and create business opportunities.

Employee engagement – attract and retain talent.

Compliance – stay ahead of regulation for climate change mitigation.

Get started

Ready to begin? Explore our resources for manufacturers and start your decarbonisation journey now.