To help organisations meet their obligations under the Carbon Neutral Government Programme, and accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels.
- Open to government ministries, departments, district hospitals, Crown Agencies and Entities, Crown Research Institutes, and tertiary education institutes.
- Applicants must confirm that they have secured and authorised the corresponding internal capital funding for the project.
- State Owned Enterprises, and local government are not eligible for co-funding.
What kind of project is this for?
The State Sector Decarbonisation Fund supports capital appropriation projects including:
- Replacement or transition of fossil fuel heating assets, such as coal and diesel boilers, with low-emissions alternatives such as biomass or electricity.
- Fleet electrification projects to replace fossil fuelled vehicles with electric vehicles and charging infrastructure.
- Lighting upgrades to install efficient lighting, such as LEDs, into public sector buildings and campuses.
- Replacement of chillers with low emissions refrigeration solutions.
- Projects should be supported by a business case or feasibility study that has been prepared and approved by the agency as appropriate.
The Fund helps to bridge the financial gap between the upfront cost of replacing equipment or vehicles with the cheapest option and the most efficient low-emission option. Projects typically replace equipment that is near the end of its life, or vehicles that are undergoing a review or replacement as determined by an organisation’s fleet transition plan.
EECA supports these projects with co-funding, expert advice, technical support and facilitation of low emissions energy investments.
Home charging for government electric vehicles
"We found that home charging is crucial. A home charger has meant that in most cases drivers haven’t needed to spend time within their workday (or adding to their day) charging their vehicle at a public charger." – Leanne Hartshorne, Manager Business Operations Waka Kotahi.
Application process
This Fund is currently closed for application.
To get in touch with the team about a project, contact your EECA Regional Manager, or email us at business@eeca.govt.nz
How the fund is tracking
EECA administers the $219.5 million State Sector Decarbonisation Fund to reduce carbon emissions in the State sector, it was launched in 2020 to support the Carbon Neutral Government programme.
The fund has enabled all remaining coal boilers in schools, hospitals and tertiary institutions to be replaced with low emissions alternatives, as well as other large scale projects that will help us meet New Zealand’s target of net zero emissions by 2050 and transition to a climate-resilient and low emissions economy.
Tracking numbers
- 126 projects have been announced
- $219.54m state sector decarbonisation funding
- 961,482 tonnes estimated ten-year carbon emissions reduction
We estimate investments announced so far will save about 945,699 tonnes over ten years in carbon emissions. That’s the equivalent of taking around 38,918 cars off the road.

Summary of approved projects
State sector decarbonisation fund project summary 23 November 2023 [PDF 88 KB]