The Public EV Charger Dashboard is one of the tools government and organisations can use to help plan and build out the public charging network. It's also used to report on our progress. It is updated quarterly.

To locate chargers for powering your EV, we recommend the EV Roam website(external link) or Plugshare app(external link).

About the EV Charging Dashboard

The EV Charging Dashboard utilises data drawn primarily from EVRoam(external link), alongside internal data including EECA co-funded EV charging projects. Supplementary external data such as EV registration numbers and population statistics have been sourced from Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency(external link) and Tatauranga Aotearoa Statistics New Zealand(external link), respectively.

The purpose of the dashboard is to provide a range of metrics for a broad audience including:  

  • EV Drivers, and New Zealanders considering purchasing EVs.
  • Other New Zealand government agencies, in planning or reporting to ministers.
  • Charge Point Operators (CPOs), when planning to either upgrade existing sites or to install new chargers.
  • Electricity Distribution Businesses (EDBs), in understanding the power demands of public EV charging.
  • International organisations with an interest in the state of New Zealand’s EV charging infrastructure, such as the International Energy Agency (IEA) in reporting global trends in charging infrastructure.

The dashboard is intended to be updated quarterly, on 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December. In time the dashboard should become a live resource using real-time data feeds.

Dashboard update

Last updated: 31 January 2025

What’s in the latest update:

  • Updated EVRoam dataset.
  • Improved and updated EECA co-funding dataset to provide a more accurate count of chargers, both live and in-progress.
  • Co-funded chargers can now be viewed at a charging point or application level.
  • Updated vehicle registration statistics to provide a more accurate view of battery electric vehicle penetration rate across regions and districts.

Definitions and caveats

EV Charger Insights tab

This tab outlines the known public EV chargers across New Zealand’s charging network.

  • Charging unit – a stationary electrical supply unit separate to an electric vehicle that has a mains electricity input (230V or 400V, 50Hz) and provides either a DC or AC electrical output to charge an electric vehicle. Sometimes referred to as charging station.
  • Charging point – an individual electrical supply point on a charging unit, enabling the unit to charge one or more vehicles simultaneously. A single charging point may have one or more different connectors associated with it, for compatibility with different EV charging standard. Also referred to as Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) by the EVRoaming Foundation(external link).
  • Charging site – a location where one or more charging units are located.
  • Power rating categories used are the classifications adapted in the New Zealand standards for commercial electric vehicle (EV) charging document: SNZ PAS 6010:2023 :: Standards New Zealand(external link). These standards enable consistent reporting to the IEA for reporting comparison to other countries.

Note: charging points are not currently recorded by EVRoam. These have been calculated by taking the maximal count of duplicate connector types present on a given charging unit. This represents a necessary underestimation of the total number of charging points within New Zealand's charging infrastructure. While duplicate connectors of the same type can be determined to serve distinct charge points, the same cannot be said where a different connector type may be independent of or part of the same charging point as another connector present on the charging unit.

EV Charging Metrics tab

This tab displays some base metrics of the current state of EV charging in New Zealand. These metrics can be viewed at regional and district/city (territorial authority) levels.

The metrics can also be displayed by clicking:

  • EV charger – the number is same as that on the insight tab
  • EVs – are battery electric vehicles. This data excludes plug in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). This data is sourced from NZTA and is geocoded to regional council and territorial authority geographic boundaries.
  • EV penetration - the percentage (%) of the EV in the overall vehicle fleet.
  • EVs per 1k capita – the number of EVs per 1,000 of population in either regions or districts
  • EVs per charger - this metric calculates the EVs per charger based on the geocoded vehicle registration address. This information is provided for both regional and territorial authority areas.

Note: the data for government and company-owned vehicles is geocoded to the head office or national addresses which may be different from where vehicles are actually used.

EECA Co-Funding Pipeline page

This page outlines both installed and upcoming EECA co-funded public EV chargers, including their (expected) go-live dates. These go-live dates are approximate, dependant on a range of factors including timing for obtaining resource consent or connection/upgrade of power to the EV charging site by the EDB. This data can be filtered by applicant, power rating, region, and date.

Note: go-live dates may vary across updates due to constraints with commissioning.

Viewing data

The detailed data can be viewed by clicking on the View Data tab on the right-hand side of the banner. This data can be sorted using the filter at the column heading of each column.

The complete published datasets can also be downloaded below. These datasets will be updated quarterly apace with the dashboard update.

Public EV Chargers [CSV 272 KB] A collated list of public EV charging points, as used in the EV Chargers Overview page.
Co-funded EV Chargers [CSV 18 KB] List of EECA co-funded EV charging points, as used in the Co-Funding Pipeline Overview page.
EV Metrics by Region [CSV 2 KB] EV metrics listed at a region (regional council) level, as used in the EV Metrics Overview page.
EV Metrics by District [CSV 9 KB] EV metrics listed at a district (territorial authority) level, as used in the EV Metrics Overview page.