Does this mean you?

A motor vehicle trader is anyone who is identified as a Motor Vehicle Trader in accordance with sections 7 & 8 of the Motor Vehicle Sales Act 2003 and carrying out a business in motor vehicle trading. This includes:

  • Importers
  • Wholesalers
  • Car auctioneers
  • Car consultants

You’ll also be treated as a motor vehicle trader if you sell more than six vehicles in a 12 month period, or import more than three vehicles in 12 months unless you can prove you’re not doing so for financial gain.

As a motor vehicle trader, you’re required to display a Consumer Information Notice (CIN) on all used motor vehicles you sell to the public.

Find out more about CIN cards(external link)

Motor Vehicle Sales Act 2003(external link)

How to comply

  1. 1


    Find out if the Vehicle Emissions and Energy Economy information is available. You can do this with EECA’s Vehicle Emissions and Energy Economy Label Generator – enter the VIN, registration plate, chassis number, model code or Japanese export certificate model code and variant.

    Vehicle emissions and Energy Economy Label Generator(external link)

  2. 2


    If the Vehicle Emissions and Energy Economy vehicle information is available, you must print a label in colour or greyscale to display on the vehicle.

    If it isn’t available for the vehicle you’re selling, you’ve met your legal obligations. If you print and display the “Not Available” label from the Vehicle Emissions and Energy Economy Label Generator for that vehicle, it shows buyers and EECA’s compliance team you’ve made a genuine effort to obtain a label but information was not available.

  3. 3


    If the information is available you must display the label on the vehicle for sale so it’s clear and prominent, and obviously relates to the vehicle for sale. It must be easy to read from a reasonable distance, and either firmly attached to the vehicle and clearly visible from the outside, or displayed on an information stand next to the vehicle. Once the vehicle is sold, the label can be removed. A sold sign prevents any confusion for a recently sold vehicle displayed without a label.

  4. 4

    Show online

    You must display the vehicle make and model, emissions, and energy economy as written text alongside the vehicle listing if the information is available at the first time of listing.

Information to be displayed online

  • Vehicle make and model.
  • Vehicle type – petrol, diesel, electric, hybrid, plug-in hybrid.
  • Energy economy star rating - up to 6 stars for the most fuel efficient vehicles.
  • Carbon dioxide emissions star rating — up to 6 stars for the lowest emission vehicles.
  • Carbon dioxide emissions in grams per kilometre – tailpipe emissions.
  • Fuel economy in litres per 100 km – for petrol and diesel vehicles.
  • Electricity economy in kWh per 100 km – for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.
  • Estimated yearly running costs — based on stated energy price and driving 14,000 km. Includes road user charges for diesel, electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.
  • You don’t have to provide Emissions and Energy Economy Label information if you’re selling a vehicle to another motor vehicle trader, or advertising it in a magazine or newspaper.
  • Failure to comply with the Regulations can result in a penalty of up to $5,000 per offence (vehicle).

Do you need to register?

If you run a business in New Zealand trading motor vehicles you probably need to be registered as a motor vehicle trader.

Find out more(external link)

  • Contact us with any questions about compliance for motor vehicles.