You must comply for public promotions

If you display a vehicle to promote sales to the public, you have to comply with Emissions and Energy Economy Labelling requirements. An example would be a new vehicle on display at an airport or shopping centre.

The rules apply no matter where the promotion takes place, and for all vehicles on display. However, you don’t need to display the label if the vehicle is promoted or offered for sale only to other motor vehicle traders.

Failure to comply with the Regulations can result in a penalty of up to $5,000 per offence (vehicle). 

Energy Efficiency (Vehicle Fuel Economy Labelling) Regulations 2007(external link)

Energy Efficiency (Vehicle Energy Economy Labelling) Amendment Regulations 2022(external link)

How to comply

  1. 1


    Find out if the Vehicle Emissions and Energy Economy Label information is available. You can use EECA's Vehicle Emissions and Energy Economy Label Generator by entering the VIN, registration plate, chassis number or model code.

    Vehicle Emissions and Energy Economy Label Generator(external link)

  2. 2


    If the Vehicle Emissions and Energy Economy Label information is available, you must print a label in colour or greyscale to display on the vehicle.

    If it isn't available for the vehicle you're promoting, you've met your legal obligations. If you print and display the "Not Available" label from the Vehicle Emissions and Energy Economy Label Generator, it shows people and EECA's compliance team you've made a genuine effort to obtain a label but that information was not available.

  3. 3


    If the information is available you must display the label on the vehicle you're promoting so it's clear and prominent, and obviously relates to the vehicle for sale.  It must be easy to read from a reasonable distance, and either firmly attached to the vehicle and clearly visible from the outside, or displayed on an information stand next to the vehicle.

Do you need to register?

If you run a business in New Zealand trading motor vehicles you probably need to be registered as a motor vehicle trader.

Find out more(external link)

  • Contact us with any questions about compliance for motor vehicles.